"Reduce time and effort to find potential problem from network database analysis"

TELEMEDIA proudly introduced our in-house development application for network configuration audit tools.

Key Benefits

•    Manage Configurations

Collect  routing and parameter configuration,  maintain history, compare versions & upload changes, all from a centralized server application. MasterSight completely eliminates the time-consuming practice of manually connecting to the devices via Telnet or SSH or FTP to manage configurations

•    Take Control of Changes

Monitor configuration changes

•    Audit

Define standard practices and policies and automatically check core NE configurations for compliance with standard policy. Get reports on compliance status and satisfy your auditors

•    Automate

Automate all repetitive, time-consuming configuration management tasks

•    Improve Network Visibility

Visualize your network, automatic network drawing based on actual collected data

•    Improve Efficiency

Ensure network uptime, reduce unplanned configuration changes, discovers your potential network problems and protect revenue loss


Custom Network Data Collector



•    Execute defined commands for defined nodes elements

•    Automatically telnet or SSH to nodes

•    Transfer file to local computer

•    Automatically collect all configuration data

•    Transform into Tabular Format

Network Configuration Audit



•    Review Change on Network Configuration

•    Analyze Network Problem by relating to Configuration Change

•    Impose Configuration Change Actions to Resolve Network Problem

Network Routing Configuration Visualization



•    Discover Network Routing Path Problem Instantly

•    Analysis Network Routing Paths and Alternatives

•    Visualize Network Routing Paths

•    Locate Network Routing Path down to Configuration Data

Radio Parameter Audit



•    simple monitoring, analysis and audit

•    Actual parameter values from live network

•    Quick analysis and parameter resolution process

•    Easy use by all related department

Please contact sales@telemedia.id for more details information.